Saturday, April 23, 2011

A toothache and a swollen ice over the holy week. I didn't made plans for this very holy week. It's not the first time, though I remembered few years ago, I would be out of town, probably on a friend's home town or on a beach. The last time I asked out, a colleague disagreed to have a good time during the holy days. It should have been a time to meditate and observe Lenten season. Pity me, I was that kind of person. Anyway, as years progressed being in a catholic community and nourished by empowering talks and doctrines, indeed I have learned the significance of the lent. Starting on Ash Wednesday, I have myself a guide to spent the lent. However due to busyness in work and some other secular activities, I missed my guide and have actually missed a confession. My fasting on unimportant things in my life was forgotten. And my plan to at least pray on Thursday or Friday didn't happen.
Things for lent didn't happen the way I planned to be, but one afternoon, I have realized that in every activities I made this holy week was a hidden message God would want me to meditate.
The book I'm reading Restless Hearts connotes a verse from Romans 8:28 before the First Chapter. It was written: 'And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose'.
The book talks about an Amish community, where Amish are religious people who lives simply and reluctant to adapt the modern life. They don't have insurances and no lawyers to protect them because they believe that everything is in God's hand.
I watched two movies - 'Seasons of the Witch' and 'Faster'. The first centered on God's power over evil. Our weaknesses should be lifted to God alone or else evil will dwell on it. The second movie imparted forgiveness, though there's only a few part where God was brought up, but the person who have changed and followed Jesus Christ was saved from being murdered.
******************* Drafted april, published today

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